Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Class on Monday! :-)

I was very happy to see the extremely rude, and disrespectful student dismissed from class. The constant disrespect towards the proffesor and lack of participation is childish and immature. Just as much as she pays for this class so do the other 27 students. We are here to learn and should not have to deal with those kind of interuptions. Welcome to college my fellow students. It is time to grow up or get out!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

after thought

As I continue to think about this last section of the book I was wondering if Clarisse was a set up. Beatty referred to the conversation between Guy and Clarisse as if he was there. Could this have been a setup from Beatty to test Guy? Did the mechanical dog lead Beatty to think that Guy had books? Maybe Clarisse was moved around to test people and she is really not dead after all! The reason I thought of this is because she stated that she moved from another city and lived with her uncle. It might be a conspiracy!

The saga continues!

This chapter really grabbed my attention!! When he talked about Faber it made me think of Clarisse. I began to wonder how many people in this society really felt good about books and wanted to be able to read them. The meeting of Guy and Faber was very mysterious in the park. It seemed so long ago, did Guy in his subconscious know then he really wanted to know about books? He met Faber before he knew Clarisse so why didn't he turn Faber in.

Faber is a really secretive, handy man. With no "TV" he works on his little experiments. After the talk between Faber and Guy he introduces the earpiece shell so they can comunnicate back and forth. I feel like this has given Guy to much confidence and has mad him "cocky" which led to him unplugging the "TV" and reading to the ladies. In doing this he exposed himself and his wife to having books. Mildred tried to cover for them it seemed to work. The woman that was crying, after Guy read the poem, is another character I feel that may understand and want books. The powerful words he read outloud hit her heart in ways that nothing else may have ever done.

After this Guy has gone to work. He played his part in handing the book over to Beatty. Then Beatty ramble on to Guy with Faber listening and using books to back up his opion. What intregued me was the different quotes he used from different books. Guy thought Beatty believed he only had one book. Beatty knew otherwise as you find out in the end of the chapter where they end up at a fire call in front of Guys house. The Beatty lets on that he dropped hints to Guy by sending the mechanical dog out. He was using this dog as a scare tactic. It did not work, or did it? Then I am wondering if Guy hid the books outside are there still books inside? Maybe Guy really knew this was eventually going to happen.

Did Mildred do it? Was she that embarassed by the way Guy was acting infront of her friends and "family" that she finaly had enough and wanted to put a stop to it! I think it might have been her. She herself might have been scared her neighbors were going to call in on them (as husband and wife having books and reading together) and if she called in she would not be punished. I do not care for Mildred and the way she does not care for her husband.

And now the biggest question of all is should I keep reading? I do not want to and ruin ideas and thoughts that may come up in discussion this week. So like most of you I will will be wondering and doing my best not to continue on in this journey! Happy Reading to ALL!

My week!

This week has really made me feel like a good student. In high school I did not work to my potential and really wasted a lot of peoples time. Now I am older and have taken a long look at my life. I want to do something important. In order to do that I have taken school seriously. I try to work hard and go above and beyond on my assignments. At times I really feel like I am taking valuable time from my family yet, I know I am doing this for them. I worked almost 10 hours on a Nutrition assignment and received a 100%! I am happy with this because I am earning this grade on my own. Hard work does pay off and this just reassures my feelings. I am looking forward to graduating with (at least) a 3.8. I do not want to say 4.0 and let myself down.
I hope everyone has enjoyed his/her week and look forward to discussion tomorrow!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


As I started reading the book I was not really intrigued. Then I continued to read(becuase I had too LOL) and it started to peak my interest. How could a world with out random books be real? Then it all started to unfold. A writier can never appeal to all audiences. As the book portrays, many "minorities" can be offended. This is where our freedom comes into play; freedom allows us to pick what we read so we do not have to be offended.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

lit narrative

I seemed to find myself in our recent writing. Looking back on my edeucation I can see milestones that really played a huge role in the way I look at education. I never really enjoyed school but, now I am really finding myself wanting to learn. In my writings I have found a way to find myself. Reflection on the past teaches and shows you where you came from and can shine a light on your future. Your future does not always have to follow your past. Looking back and looking forward you can see things you may want to change or even keep the same. Either way it shows you who you are.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rainy day

Today I am trying to catch up on a weeks worth of homework. Lots and lots of reading and writing to do. I am glad it is raining, I do not feel like I am missing anything in the outside world.

writing from the darkness

This small reading from the story was very moving. You can look at your own life and be thankful for what you have. Today people can be different and express themselves with less ridicule from the outside world. Yes, I know there will always be people judging and disagreeing with your feelings but, it is still okay for you to feel the way you do and express yourself. I could not imagine living in a time where you were teased and tormented for being different. I am glad that in today's society freedom of expression is so important.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What a long week!

After almost 9 years of not working I started a part-time job this weekend. I reall enjoyed being back into the real world. Labor Day fun to off to Lake Redman! I am ready for this week to get rolling. I start my math class and next Monday I start CIS!! OMG I do not really like computers but I guess I need to learn. I hope everyone is having a good day off of school and I will see you all there on Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What should be taught at colleges?

I agreed with the article. I am a student at Hacc and pay my money to learn and get an education. I want to have all of the skills I need to join the work force. The thought of schools padding classes and not teaching students what is needed causes a serious problem. If you are in a math class you are expected to be taught just that! So if you are in an English class shouldn't you learn all of the fundementals? Yes a paper is mostly about content but, if you can not properly use the English language then you are really not learning.