Sunday, December 6, 2009


I am very excited about the debate on Wednesday! This is going to be a good time.


I really enjoyed this movie. I feel that it gave a real life representation of what goes on behind the scenes. Really is one sin any worse than another. NO! I was also impressed with the way the movie manipulated words to make the "bad" stuff good. This was a movie I would definitely watch again!

End of term

I am ready for this term to be over. I am really tired of my CIS 105 and I have had enough Math for one semester. I love when a teacher tells you they WILL put the Math formula on the test for you and they "forget" and also there will be extra credit on the test and that also magically fell of the test. I guess the copy machine missed that part of the exam. To top it off I just LOVE when the professor takes her frustration out on the whole class. Why should the over achievers be punished for the FUCK OFFS who do not care about grades or school!! Yes I am a little MAD! I am to the point I am ready to just transfer to Penn State! FUCK HACC and the majority of the professors who care nothing about the students who really want to learn.


My children have ruined their own Christmas! Some may say what I did was mean; I say what they did was mean!! I came home from a night of pure hell with my children and ripped open the new WII I purchased along with the 4 extra games I bought on Black Friday! I did this right in front of them and told them both this was your Christmas and now I am taking it back. Tonight I drove them with me as I returned everything to the stores. I know it sounds harsh, yet I have no bad feelings about it. My children also know that Santa is not real so they will not be disappointed on Christmas when they realize the lump of coal came from their mother!